One Injured In Moses Lake Shooting, Car Crash
At least one person has injuries following a shooting in Moses Lake on Saturday night.
The Grant County Sheriff's Office says the incident occurred near the intersection of Arlington and Arnold Drives at around 7:30 p.m. when shots were fired from at least one of two involved vehicles.
"There were two vehicles involved," says sheriff's office spokesperson Kyle Foreman. "The trailing vehicle rammed the leading vehicle and both vehicles crashed. One of the involved vehicles struck two parked vehicles One person inside the trailing vehicle was injured due to the crash and was transported to Samaritan Healthcare in Moses Lake with non-life-threatening injuries."
Foreman says it's unclear if shots were fired from both vehicles or only one of them.
"We're unclear on exactly how many of the vehicles had gunfire coming from them. We know that the leading vehicle did, so it's possible the trailing vehicle was the one under attack and that's why they rammed the leading vehicle was to try and stop the shooting."
Detectives say there were as many as six people involved in the shooting and all of them except for the injured person escaped on foot following the crash.
Foreman says the incident is believed to be gang related.

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