Seasonal Weight Restrictions Now in Place on Chelan Co. Roads
Chelan County has imposed temporary weight restrictions on its roads in the Cashmere, Chelan, Entiat, and Leavenworth areas.
County spokesperson Jill FitzSimmons says the closures occur annually when the weather starts to warm up.
"They go on our roads every year around this time when we start to see freezing temperatures overnight and higher temperatures in the morning. So when the roads are being subjected to this cycle of freezing and thawing on a daily basis, that's when we put the weight restrictions in place."
Seasonal snowmelt and runoff can also soften roadways and make them more susceptible to damage.
The weight restrictions are put in place annually to protect county roads from such damage.
FitzSimmons says it's always a bit of a question mark as to when the restrictions might be lifted.
"That depends on the weather. Our foremen are out every day to see which ones they can take off the limit list or need to put back on it. Typically, the restrictions will last for at least several weeks, if not longer."
Only emergency vehicles, school buses or vehicles attached to a special permit issued by the County Engineer are exempt from the restrictions.
This year, vehicles with a gross weight of 34,000 pounds or less do not need to acquire a permit, but are being asked to refrain from driving on the shoulder of the road.
For more information about temporary weight restrictions on roads in Chelan County, click here.
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