Serve Wenatchee Takes ‘Light the Loop’ in New Direction
Serve Wenatchee Valley be holding "Light the Loop" October 10th this year, only this time around it will have a new look and goal.
In years past, the event was a 5k fun run where many participants would show up covered in glow sticks and glow-in-the-dark material.
Now, Executive Director Thom Nees says instead of a 5k run they will be looking for local organizations, churches, and businesses to sponsor lighting a 1/8th of a mile section on the trail.
The goal is to find a sponsor for all 77 sections of the trail, including finding enough volunteers to actually handle the lights.
Nees said, "It's going to be up to the individual organization or business to provide the individuals for their section of the loop and provide them with the resources they need to light it. So whether it's going to be flashlights, cellphones; things like that."
Volunteers will begin to gather at 5:30 pm, get into place and light the loop at 7:17 pm.
To learn more, contact either Kelly Kennedy with Impact! Events at 509-387-1411 or Thom Nees at 509-630-4438.
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