The North Central Washington All Veteran Stand Down took place Saturday at the Wenatchee National Guard Armory.

Veterans around the valley were invited to to come out for all kinds of free equipment, services, and food. Services available included VA Health Van signups, massages, haircuts, a food bank, financial help and much more.

Ron Bruno, co-founder of Vets Serving Vets, applauded the outstanding partnership with the event's volunteers.

It was not an easy end to the week for volunteers, either. Wednesday morning's downpour soaked roughly 90% of the equipment meant to be given away.

"We had it all totally covered up, wrapped up really nice. We didn't think that the water would get so deep that it would come up over our pallets." Bruno said, "So virtually our whole parking area was completely covered with sleeping bags, coats, pants, scarves. The rope along the fence back here was our clothes line. There was twelve, fifteen of us for the last three days doing everything in our power to get this stuff as dry as we could for today."

A presentation of colors along with the national anthem kicked off the event.

The first two hours of the All Veteran Stand Down were dedicated to at-risk or homeless vets. Bruno added that volunteers were busy early on, with 160 vets being served before 9:30 am.

In total, roughly 260 vets attended. By the end, the event's cook told Bruno he had fixed 206 hamburgers, about 150 hot dogs and 250 bags of chips.

Find out more by contacting Vets Serving Vets.

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