Wenatchee No. 1 and No. 2 Canyon Roads Temporarily Closed to Through Traffic
Chelan County Public Works is closing No. 1 and No. 2 Canyon Roads in Wenatchee to through traffic for the rest of the week.
Only local traffic is allowed on the two roads, which includes property owners and service providers with business on the road, such as delivery services.
The county says road crews are noticing a lot people on the two roadways who don’t live there, and there's concern the traffic will interfere with cleanup efforts now in progress.
Crews are working to clean up debris after the heavy storm Sunday brought flooding.
Public Works is asking County Commissioners to consider an Emergency Declaration to help with clean up on No. 1 Canyon Road after Sunday’s storm.
County road crews will be conducting cleanup, ditch repair and culvert cleaning all week in No. 1 and No. 2 Canyons as well as in the Boyd Road area of Chelan. Work in Wenatchee may go into next week
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