The Wenatchee School District's Board of Directors will hold a public hearing regarding the District's 2024-25 budget proposal next month.

District spokesperson, Diana Haglund, says the hearing is specifically designed for the Board to take public comment.

"The purpose of the hearing is for the public to review our budget proposal and documents. So it's really open to the public to provide whatever level of comment they feel is most important for the board to hear prior to the adopting of the formal budget."

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Haglund says the District's 2024-25 budget draft includes a lot of changes due to staff reductions and the recent closure of Columbia Elementary.

"This proposed budget definitely does reflect budget reductions that were made during the 2023-24 school year."

The hearing will take place on August 13 at 6 p.m. at the District's offices at 235 Sunset Avenue in Wenatchee.

Persons wishing to provide comment to the board may do so in person or virtually. A public comment form must be completed prior to the hearing. The form is available at or at the meeting.

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