E. Wenatchee Teens, Tweens Get a YMCA Program
The Wenatchee Valley YMCA has set aside resources for East Wenatchee youngsters, a heretofore underserved population.
Youth director Thalia Arias promises enrichment and adult guidance for sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth graders in East Wenatchee. The feeless after-school program will be housed at Sterling Junior High. Hours of operation: 2:30 to 6 p.m., M-F.
The program is funded by unspecified grants.
Much like their peers at nearby Eastmont Junior High, Sterling pupils are disproportionally high-need and low-income. The YMCA envisions the new program as a beacon of light for poor children, foster children and children of color.
"However," Arias says, "this program is open all children within the designated age range, ensuring that every teen in the Eastmont School District has the opportunity to benefit."
For all its considerable attributes, East Wenatchee is, you might say, an enrichment desert. There just aren't many places a child can go for after-school brain food or intellectual stimuli. The YMCA does operate a town center in the heart of Wenatchee proper, but many East Wenatchee students lack reliable transportation. The town center is therefore out of reach.
By next May, the YMCA hopes to have enrolled no fewer than 33 students in the program. Participants will be expected to attend at least two days out of the school week.
But wait - there's more! The program ensures access to two sessions of the Junior Leaders Club and a full week of the Extreme Teens summer program (2025 edition). Neither will cost families a blessed penny.
If you or your child are interested, please contact Arias directly at thalia@wenymca.org or call 509-662-2109 ext. 417.