Large Crowd Gathers For Veteran’s Day Parade In Wenatchee
American Legion Post 10 held its annual Veterans Day Parade in Wenatchee this Saturday.
The parade featured dozens of uniformed local veterans from various branches of service, along with their families and supporters, as well as an assortment of military vehicles.
The parade route went from Fargo Bank, 301 North Chelan Avenue, south to Memorial Park, 2 South Chelan Avenue, where a gun salute ceremony was held before returning to Wells Fargo from Orondo Avenue and Mission Street.
Zed Deenik, a transplant from South Africa, brought his family to the parade for a second year. "As an immigrant, I'm really grateful to be living in America, and for the freedoms that I have" said Deenik. "And It's a powerful way to recognize the people who are protecting that freedom and allow me to have the life that I have."
Sheryl Canchola recently moved back to Washington from Minnesota and currently lives in Wenatchee. "For me, (Veteran's Day) reminds me of my dad and my uncle and all the people who have given their lives and time and everything to our country," said Canchola.
She and her daughter Paityn came to see their uncle in the parade. Sheryl said her father spent 21 years in the Army, including time in Iraq.
A pre-parade featuring motorcycles took place just beforehand at about 10:30., followed by the start of the main parade at 10:45 a.m.
There was a free gathering with food at Pybus Public Market afterward.
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