The Wenatchee School District is partnering with the Wenatchee Police Department's traffic enforcement unit to conduct emphasis patrols in school zones during the first few weeks of the new school year.

District spokesperson, Diana Haglund, says the patrols will start next week and focus on a number of driving behaviors within school zones, especially speeding.

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"People do tend to speed within those zones and this enforcement is about helping to educate our community and remind them that school is back in session and they do need to slow down within those zones."

The patrols will also be looking for proper yielding at crosswalks, and any violations of other traffic laws designed to protect children who are walking or biking to school.

Haglund says parents and kids can do their part be remembering a few basic safety tips when heading to and from school.

"It's great for parents to remind their students if they are walking, or even driving to school, to be mindful of their surroundings. Students should make sure when taking turns or crossing the street to make eye contact with drivers and make certain that they are going to stop, and to just be mindful of their surroundings."

In addition to the patrols, the District is also partnering with the City of Wenatchee and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to enhance the safety of crosswalks and pedestrian corridors with signage and traffic calming mitigation measures near schools.

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