The North Central Educational Service District (NCESD) recently celebrated several award recipients during its annual Friend of Children awards.

During the event the Cascade School District board of directors was recognized as the NCESD’s 2022 Board of the Year.

NCESD Superintendent Dr. Michelle Price says Cascade was selected to receive the distinction for a variety of reasons.

“They were identified for their efforts for promoting outstanding student achievement, for having visionary leadership and a really thoughtful implementation plan to make a difference in the lives of their students at the Cascade School District,” explained Price.

Price added that nominees for the honor are chosen based on an extensive set of criteria.

“The biggest consideration is that the school board, the superintendent and the administration really do work together as a team to promote student achievement,” detailed Price.

The award was created in 2006 to honor school board members within the NCESD who are making a positive impact on students.

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