Juan David Diaz, a Colombian national with more than a quarter-century of relevant experience, is the new executive director of the NCW Equity Alliance.

Diaz is relatively new to the Wenatchee Valley, having only arrived here about two years ago, but he's a veritable polymath. The man has worked in business management, customer service, marketing, outreach, public relations and sales, according to Suzanne Hartman, the Alliance's outgoing interim executive director.

Most recently he was a pharmacy assistant at Columbia Valley Community Health. A 1999 graduate of the Popular University of Cesar, Diaz pursued further education at the University of San Francisco.

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But what stood out to the board of directors was not Diaz' sterling résumé, but his gregarious nature. Board president Edgar Salamanca was struck by the ease with which Diaz could carry a conversation. Even when discussing touchy issues, he is "inviting and connects well with people," Salamanca says.

Diaz started in his new role on November 25. Look for him on Martin Luther King Day in January; he'll be coordinating the day's events in conjunction with the City of Wenatchee and the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center.

Learning to People Better Together has a valuable purpose: it's a workforce diversity training program available to private and public sector actors in Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan counties. Diaz is managing that as well.

"Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are more than buzzwords in a workplace," the Alliance writes. "They're essential for building a culture where everyone feels valued and empowered to thrive. Focusing on DEI attracts top talent and creates an environment that drives innovation and productivity. But here the catch: many initiatives mistakenly aim for equality instead of equity." That is not, in fact, a distinction without a difference.

Equity Building

Gallery Credit: Randy Kirby

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