Irving Peak Fire Burns an Additional 400 Acres
The Irving Peak Fire amassed an additional 400 acres since Wednesday evening, due to increased winds and dryer weather conditions.
The Irving Peak Fire jumped up to 2,239 acres, with nearby ridges receiving gusts up to 25 to 30 miles per hour. The fire was pushed 1.5 miles west towards Poe Mountain.
The Irving Peak Fire is not expected to burn down slope, however crews will continue working along the southern edge to prevent that from happening.
The White River fire burned up to 1,165 acres with minimal growth and remained active along the southern edge of the fire, where firefighters airdropped more water along that edge.
Fuel moisture along that fire’s eastern edge helped curb additional growth towards White River Road.
There are now 374 personnel working on the fire with 145 overhead personnel.
Firefighters continue using indirect suppression methods on both the White River and Irving Peak fires for the safety of the firefighters.
Thursday is expected to have high heat and erratic winds along Cascade ridge lines.
Team 8 wants to stress that there is a Stage 2 Campfire ban for the entirety of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Recreationists are advised to avoid bringing any possible ignitions while camping.
There is also an additional closure for the Little Wenatchee Road between the National Forest boundary and the junction of FSR 65 and FSR 6700 for public and firefighter safety.
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