Is There Really a Serial Killer on the Loose in Seattle?
For some strange reason, true crime and serial killers are popular topics of discussion across the globe. There are entire YouTube channels devoted to dissecting the mindsets of the people who commit horrendous crimes against their fellow humans. There are countless movies, television shows, and books covering various murders. It’s a whole industry.
In recent years Netflix has had people glued to their screens, consuming various shows and movies about serial killers. Recently, Jeffrey Dahmer has caused yet another societal disturbance by being the focus of not one but two Netflix features. In 2019, Ted Bundy was documented in a movie and a show. John Wayne Gacy had his own iteration of Conversations with a Killer on Netflix, and who can forget Making a Murderer? There is very clearly a morbid interest in the unspeakable.
Seattle and Washington have a deep, troubling history of serial killers so when word started to spread that there was an active serial killer targeting women in the Emerald City, most people didn't doubt it.
Is there an active serial killer in Seattle in 2022?
Fortunately, no. Rumors of an active serial killer in Seattle have been disproven by multiple outlets, yet some people still believe those false allegations. In fact, I heard about these rumors today in passing. In Stockton, California, however, a suspect has been arrested in connection with a serial murder case. You can sleep soundly tonight, Seattle.