The Bureau of Reclamation selected the city of Leavenworth and the Quincy -Columbia Basin Irrigation District out of 54 projects nationwide for WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency grants. The Bureau of Reclamation awarded almost $41 million total with Leavenworth and Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District each receiving $300,000.

"The focus (for these grants) is water savings," said Leah Meeks, Regional Water Conservation Program Specialist.

The city of Leavenworth's funding is for an upgrade of 1,400 water meters with an advanced metering system. This project is expected to result in annual water savings of 22 acre-feet.

The Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District funding will line 2,500 feet of the earthen West Canal with a geotextile liner covered with concrete to address seepage losses. This work is projected for annual water savings of 850 acre-feet that is currently lost to seepage.

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