Meet Catelyn Shearer: Washington Apple Blossom Royalty Top 10 Candidate
The Top Ten Candidates for the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Royalty will appear this week on NewsRadio 560 KPQ/FM 101.7
Candidates compete in the Cashmere Valley Bank Royalty Selection Pageant at the Numerica PAC on Saturday, Feb. 10th The Queen and two Princesses will be crowned to reign over the 105th Washington State Apple Blossom Festival April 25th - May 5th, 2024 in Wenatchee, WA.
Check back here to learn more about each of the ten hopefuls for this year's Royal Court
Meet 2024 Apple Blossom Royalty Top Ten Candidate Catelyn Shearer
Catelyn Shearer is the daughter of Jim and Christy Shearer. She is a senior at Wenatchee High School.
KPQ: Today we get a chance to meet Catelyn Shearer who is a senior from Wenatchee high school. Congratulations on this distinction. Please tell us about your extracurricular activity, volunteer projects, anything that you're involved with that you'd like to highlight so our listeners can find out a little bit more about you.
CS: So I am very involved. With my school's music department. I am in our Chamber Singers group and I'm also a member of the Hy Tones quartet, so we get to be very involved in our community. We sing the national anthem, we go around to senior centers, and things like that and we get to share music with our community. think it's really fun to spend time with the residents. It's just really rewarding because they are just so happy to see us and the brightness we can spread.
KPQ: How long you've been singing.
CS: My mom was saying that I have sang since I started speaking. But really I started singing around fourth grade. I joined Choir and it's really been my life ever since then.
KPQ: Tell us about leadership roles or volunteer activities that that you've taken on.
CS: Well, I'm the tri M representative for my school's music department or choir department specifically. So that means that I'm connecting with my choir and creating opportunities for them through our music honor society. And I think that there are very unique leadership opportunities in the Hy Tones quartet, because it's a student led organization. We have a lot of help from our teacher of course, but we are really leading ourselves and it is such a unique opportunity.
KPQ: What do you think you're learning and how is it going to help you in the future?
CS: I think that it is helpful in so many situations now and getting comfortable with interacting with our community. And working as a team is just really helpful and I think every single situation or job or anything that you get into it's really necessary to work as a team and to see other people's perspectives.
KPQ: What would say has been your favorite class at Wenatchee High School?
CS: I think my favorite class that I have ever taken was AP world history, which is a class I took my sophomore year. That wasn't something I was super interested in before. But from the moment I got into that class, just the environment that I was learning in and also the the actual curriculum was just so interesting and really helped me to find passions in a new thing, learning about new things like religion and history specifically, but it was just really cool to be a part of.
KPQ: Have you made plans for after graduation?
CS: Well, after graduation I plan to attend a four year university I'm not sure which one yet because I'm still waiting on some applications but I plan to go into the pre med track and study biology.
KPQ: Is there any particular field that you're interested in?
CS: My dream is to become an anesthesiologist. So that's the goal. We'll see how it goes.
KPQ: What is your fondest Apple Blossom festival memory?
CS: My favorite Apple Blossom memory was when I ran the 5k with one of my best friends in middle school. It was challenging, but it was just such a fun experience to have with someone who I care about so much and doing a hard thing and really getting to be involved with the festival for the first time.
KPQ: What is your first stop at the Apple Blossom Food Fair?
CS: I would say it's the Shiska Beriies booth. They are just so delicious, but they also make you feel real healthy because you're eating fruit. But there's just a fun treat to have and I look forward to it every year!
KPQ: Besides yourself, is there another Top Ten candidate that you feel is very deserving of a spot in the royal court.
CS: I would say that all of the girls that I'm spending time with are just so fantastic. But Jenissa Hepton. I've seen her work so hard. And you can tell that she wants this so badly. And so it's just really refreshing to see how hard she's working.
Read More About Catelyn Shearer
Catelyn is the daughter of Jim and Christy Shearer. She is the Vice President and Tri-M representative for her school’s Chamber Choir, an active member of her school’s mental health committee, and a member of the HyTones quartet. Catelyn has been involved in local theatre productions for nearly 11 years with various organizations and worked as an employee for Leavenworth Summer Theater this past summer. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, watching movies, and hanging out with her friends and pets. After graduation, Catelyn plans to attend a four-year university to study biology on the pre-med track.
Catelyn’s favorite show is Grey’s Anatomy and her favorite movie is Enola Holmes. Her favorite song is “Beautiful” by Carole King, and her favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell. She is most inspired by her mom, and her most treasured keepsake is the baby blanket that hangs in her room.
Her favorite thing to do in the Wenatchee Valley, besides Apple Blossom, is bike around downtown and enjoy the many small businesses and restaurants. Her proudest moment in life was graduating from her school’s Medical Occupations Program. If Catelyn could trade places with anyone for a day, she would trade places with Elizabeth Blackwell. Catelyn feels she should represent the Wenatchee Valley because she would love to be a part of the century-long heritage of this festival, is dedicated to helping others, especially young girls, and loves the Apple Blossom Festival and the Valley.
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