The Rotary Club of Wenatchee Sunrise is inviting pet owners to join the upcoming Family Pet Parade on October 30 at 10:30 a.m. The parade will march through the outdoor farmers market at Pybus Public Market.

The event will kick off Halloween festivities with a costume contest, giveaways and a photo station.

"We encourage pet owners and their pets to dress up in costumes to participate," said Jackie Rector, spokeswoman. "We will have giveaways and human treats, dog treats and we'll be setting up a harvest photo booth that you can take selfies with your pets."

The Pet Parade is coordinated by Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary, Firehouse Pet Shop, Pybus Public Market, PetHub, and Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market.

There is no charge or registration, but donated items will be accepted for the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society.

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