Documentary Screening Features Opioid Crisis, Stemming from Prescription Pills
The Grant County Health District is sponsoring a documentary screening that zeros in on the opioid crisis through a first person account of addiction. The documentary film 'Written Off' is intended to challenge the traditional viewpoints surrounding opioid addiction using personal journals of Matthew Edwards to pave the plot of the documentary.
"We want folks to come out just to have local dialogue about the issue of opioid abuse and substance abuse in general," said Theresa Adkinson, administrator. "And have a deeper understanding around the stigma that's associated with it."
Edwards' story with opioids stems from prescribed pain medicine after a minor surgery that led to a decade long struggle with addiction.
"This is one person's story where he journaled his crisis from his voice, as well as from his family through that journey," said Adkinson.
The film will be screened at the Moses Lake Civic Center Auditorium on November 21 at 6. Community leaders, the City of Moses Lake and Grant County Health District are inviting the community to join them for the event. Child care on site will be provided as the content and subject may be too dark or inappropriate for children.
"This is a gripping, sad story so we'd really like to see parents and community leaders come out and we'll provide some daycare if they'd like to come chat with us and let their kiddos have some fun in the museum," said Adkinson.
The documentary was funded by the North Central Washington Accountable Communities of Health.