The city of East Wenatchee is moving forward with a $2.2 million grant for an Improvement Project at 19th Street NW and Cascade Ave. 

The money from the State Department of Ecology will go toward finalizing the design and construction of stormwater improvements.  

East Wenatchee Public Works Manager Gerren Melton says the city is getting support from several sources for the project. 

"We've partnered with the PUD, Douglas County, have received grants from TIB (Transportation Improvement Board) and also the Department of Ecology for our roadway improvement project," said Melton. 

The East Wenatchee City Council signed off on receiving the money this week, which will be used to construct infrastructure to protect against flooding and erosion when rainfall brings a buildup of stormwater. 

In 2014, the City Council approved the purchase of WSDOT surplus property at the corner of 19th Street NW and NW Cascade Ave to accommodate a future stormwater facility.  

Stormwater facilities are typically be pipes, ditches, filters, ponds and underground tanks. 

The cost of the property purchase was $150,000 and was reimbursed by the Greater East Wenatchee Stormwater Utility.  

The City was initially awarded $250,000 by the Department of Ecology for the design of a regional stormwater facility, and for roadway improvements on 19th St NW and NW Cascade Ave. 

The City has now completed a 60% design for the project.   

In addition to the Grant from Ecology, the City has also received a $2,000,000 construction Grant from the Transportation Improvement Board.  

The project is currently projected to begin construction in the Fall, with completion expected in Spring 2024 with a budget of $4,812,635. 

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