Smitty’s Owners Gobble Up Large, Adjacent Northwestern Wholesale Parcel
The City of Wenatchee has agreed to sell some of its surplused land in North Wenatchee to local business owners.
The Wenatchee City Council voted Thursday night to approve the sale of 33,719 square feet of what was formerly Northwestern Wholesale to Steve and Carol Freeman for approximately $741,132.
"Adjacent property owners to this are the Freeman's, who own Smitty's Pancake House." Mayor Frank Kuntz said, "So if you've been to Smitty's Pancake House in the last couple of weeks you'll notice the building behind it has been torn down. They are purchasing the rest of that property to be part of Smitty's."
Much of the nearby property will become the McKittrick Street extension, the new North Columbia Avenue, and the future site of Hooked on Toys.
In fact, the property may not ultimately be utilized by Smitty's at all.
"It's a pretty big parcel." Kuntz added, "When you look at it, it goes all the way to where the (Nationwide Insurance) building is so it's a big piece of property. I'm assuming there is room in there there for another business at some point as that area develops."
The purchase and sale agreement requires the City to complete the development of North Columbia Avenue, which would run alongside the property, by December of 2021.
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