The fire-ravaged Chelan Recycling Center now lay in ruins - a total loss.

The information below was divulged by Chief Brandon Asher of Chelan Fire District 7.

Shortly before 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, crews were dispatched to what was described as a commercial fire at the recycling center. This facility is adjacent to the Chelan Transfer Station.

(The transfer station swiftly closed down but is expected to reopen on Thursday.)

Upon arrival crews were struck by the velocity and severity of the blaze. The structure was already "fully involved." Compounding matters was the presence of "heavy machinery" inside the recycling center.

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It was quickly determined to be a two-alarm fire; this brought help from "Wenatchee Valley Fire, Douglas County 4 [in Orondo] and Chelan County 5 [in Manson]."

The recycling center is now, sadly, unsalvageable.

"The cause of the fire is still under investigation," Asher says. "But due to the extent of the damage, the cause will be pretty hard to determine."

Only one employee was present when the fire took hold. The employee was outwardly unharmed apart from some "minor singeing to the hair on his arms."

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